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A Thought…

(Wiley Miller Non Sequitur comic spoofing pretentious art critics.)

I do agree with his comment about Jackson Pollock. Pollock knew what he was doing, but other wannabes saw his painting and thought that all they need to do is drip paint on the canvas. — Bilan

Hei’s just Jack the Dripper to me. — strictures

Reminds me of the University Art professor Robert Florczak who had his graduate students critique a work of art. They thought it was a Pollock. Turned out to be his spill-covered painting apron. — boydjb47

(I’ve got a well-used canvas drop cloth out in the garage — I wonder if I could pass it off as a Jackson Pollock? — me)

He’s JUST LIKE the “Wine Snobs” who babble on about nonsense like “Subtle Undertones” and “A Strong Finish” Pour the contents of a bottle of 3-Buck Chuck into an expensive bottle, and I bet 98% of them couldn’t tell the difference!



PDF::Builder::Basic::PDF::Filter::CCITTFaxDecode::Reader - Uncompress stream filters for CCITT 1 bit fax formats - NOT FULLY IMPLEMENTED


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PDF::Builder -- Facilitates the creation and modification of PDF files
PDF::Builder::Basic::PDF -- Various utilities and support routines
PDF::Builder::Basic::PDF::Filter -- Abstract superclass for PDF stream filters
PDF::Builder::Basic::PDF::Filter::CCITTFaxDecode -- Compress and uncompress stream filters for CCITTFax - NOT FULLY IMPLEMENTED


PDF::Builder::Basic::PDF::Filter::CCITTFaxDecode::Writer -- Compress stream filters for CCITT 1 bit fax formats - NOT FULLY IMPLEMENTED


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