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PDF::Builder::Basic::PDF::String - PDF String type objects

Superclass for simple objects that are basically stringlike (Number, Name, etc.)

Inherits from PDF::Builder::Basic::PDF::Objind



Creates a new string object (not a full object yet) from a given string. The string is parsed according to input criteria with escaping working.


Creates a new string object (not a full object yet) from a given string. The string is parsed according to input criteria with escaping working.


Returns $str converted as per criteria for input from PDF file


Returns the value of this string (the string itself).


Returns the string formatted for output as PDF for PDF File object $pdf.


    $s->outobjdeep($fh, $pdf)
Outputs the string in PDF format, complete with necessary conversions.


Up (Parents)

Master Index
PDF::Builder -- Facilitates the creation and modification of PDF files
PDF::Builder::Basic::PDF -- Various utilities and support routines


PDF::Builder::Basic::PDF::Array -- Corresponds to a PDF array
PDF::Builder::Basic::PDF::Bool -- Holds the strings true or false
PDF::Builder::Basic::PDF::Dict -- PDF Dictionaries and Streams
PDF::Builder::Basic::PDF::File -- Holds the trailers and cross-reference tables for a PDF file
PDF::Builder::Basic::PDF::Filter -- Abstract superclass for PDF stream filters
PDF::Builder::Basic::PDF::Literal -- Literal PDF Object
PDF::Builder::Basic::PDF::Name -- Stores PDF names (things beginning with /)
PDF::Builder::Basic::PDF::Null -- PDF Null type object
PDF::Builder::Basic::PDF::Number -- Numbers in PDF
PDF::Builder::Basic::PDF::Objind -- PDF indirect object reference
PDF::Builder::Basic::PDF::Page -- Represents a PDF page
PDF::Builder::Basic::PDF::Pages -- PDF pages hierarchical element
PDF::Builder::Basic::PDF::Utils -- Utility functions for PDF library


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This page is https://www.catskilltech.com/Documentation/PDF/Builder/Basic/PDF/String.html

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