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A Thought…

Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.

   — George W. Bush, Aug. 5, 2004


PDF::Builder::NamedDestination - Add named destinations (views) to a PDF

Inherits from PDF::Builder::Basic::PDF::Dict



    $dest = PDF::Builder::NamedDestination->new($pdf, ...)
Creates a new named destination object. Any optional additional arguments will be passed on to destination.

Destination types


    $dest->dest($page, %opts)
A destination (dest) is a particular view of a PDF, consisting of a page object, the location of the window on that page, and possible coordinate and zoom arguments.
    # The XYZ location takes three arguments
    my $dest1 = PDF::Builder::NamedDestination->new($pdf);
    $dest->dest($pdf->open_page(1), 'xyz' => [$x, $y, $zoom]);

    # The Fit location doesn't require any arguments, but one is still
    # needed for the hash array
    my $dest2 = PDF::Builder::NamedDestination->new($pdf);
    $dest->dest($pdf->open_page(2), 'fit' => 1);
See "Page Fit Options" in PDF::Builder::Docs for a listing of the available locations and their syntax.
"xyz" is the default fit setting, with position (left and top) and zoom the same as the calling page's.

Target Destinations

    $dest->link($page, %opts)
A go-to (link) action changes the view to a specified destination (page, location, and magnification factor).
Parameters are as described in dest.
Alternate name: goto
Originally this method was link, but recently PDF::API2 changed the name to goto. "goto" is added for compatibility.

uri, url

Defines the destination as launch-url with uri $url.
Alternate name: url
Originally this method was url, but recently PDF::API2 changed the name to uri. "url" is retained for compatibility.

launch, file

Defines the destination as launch-file with filepath $file and page-fit options %opts. The target application is run. Note that this is not a PDF or a browser file -- it is a local application.
Alternate name: file
Originally this method was file, but recently PDF::API2 changed the name to launch. "file" is retained for compatibility.

pdf, pdf_file, pdfile

    $dest->pdf($pdf_file, $pagenum, %opts)
Defines the destination as a PDF-file with filepath $pdf_file, on page $pagenum, and options %opts (same as dest()).
Alternate names: pdf_file and pdfile
Originally this method was pdfile, and had been earlier renamed to pdf_file, but recently PDF::API2 changed the name to pdf. "pdfile" and "pdf_file" are retained for compatibility. Note that the position and zoom information is still given as a hash element in PDF::Builder, while PDF::API2 has changed to a position string and an array of dimensions.


Up (Parents)

Master Index
PDF::Builder -- Facilitates the creation and modification of PDF files


PDF::Builder::Annotation -- Add annotations to a PDF
PDF::Builder::Basic::PDF -- Various utilities and support routines
PDF::Builder::Content -- Methods for adding graphics and text to a PDF
PDF::Builder::Docs -- Additional documentation for Builder module
PDF::Builder::FontManager -- Managing the font library for PDF::Builder
PDF::Builder::Lite -- Lightweight PDF creation methods
PDF::Builder::Matrix -- Matrix operations library
PDF::Builder::Outline -- Manage PDF outlines (a.k.a. bookmarks)
PDF::Builder::Outlines -- Further Outline handling
PDF::Builder::Page -- Methods to interact with individual pages
PDF::Builder::Resource -- Base class for PDF resources
PDF::Builder::UniWrap -- Support routines for finding line breakpoints with Unicode text
PDF::Builder::Util -- Utility package for often-used methods across the package
PDF::Builder::ViewerPreferences -- How the PDF should be displayed or printed


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All rights reserved.
Note that Third Party software (whether Open Source or proprietary) on this site remains under the copyright and license of its owners. Catskill Technology Services, LLC does not claim copyright over such software.


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